Monday, September 4, 2017

Bored to Death

We rewatched this show this summer. Why watch new tv when you can watch the good old stuff again?

Bored to Death is about a novelist who is struggling to write his second book and instead spends his time as a detective-for-hire who picks up clients on craigslist. And I mean picks up clients. His mentor is an editor at a GQ-esque magazine. His best friend is a cartoonist.

The show is silly and literary and really, it's just the best. I think I need to watch it again. My only complaints: The episodes are too short, and there are too few seasons.


Cardigan said...

So glad I got to watch this with you Emily Hale. Did you or Francisco watch the Big Sick yet?

Emily Hale said...

Me too:)

No! I will remind him!! It looks really good.

Hopkins said...

Speaking of Ted Danson, I think you'd like 'The Good Place' which is returning for its second season this month. The first season is on Netflix.

Emily Hale said...

Thanks for the recommendation--I googled it and it looks good--we'll check it out!

Emily Hale said...

Hopkins--very Greek picture of the gods, right? Entertaining and smart!

Cardigan--watched the Big Sick and really enjoyed it--perhaps Francisco especially did:)