Friday, July 13, 2018

A Random Assortment

~ On declining fertility rates in South Korea.

~ "The Basic Decency of Republican Self-Government," on TME.

~ On Donald Hall.  (I didn't know that The Ox Cart Man, which we love, started as a poem! We also like The Man Who Lived Alone.)

~ "Everyone is cancelled" reminds me of Tocqueville.

~ Wow--I love her: LeGuin on conflict/change.

~ The U.S.'s Opposition to a WHO Breast-Feeding Resolution is deeply disturbing.

~ I love this and really hope that when we buy a house it will be a nice little house.

~ "Why people with disabilities want bans on straws to be more flexible" (via Sayers) and "Starbucks bans plastic straws, winds up using more plastic." It's great to take responsibility for our use of plastic, but we do realize that fixating on straws is not the answer, don't we? Like we use a lot more plastic than just straws in every aspect of our lives.

~ I love Capitol Hill Books.


Miss Self-Important said...

"What Does It Mean to Be Canceled? “To me, it’s ultimately an expression of agency,” said Meredith Clark..."
Tweeting is ultimately an expression of agency, but is it yet the ultimate expression of agency?

Emily Hale said...

An expression of agency of the mob!