Thursday, December 20, 2018

Airplane Movies

Crazy Rich Asians

I saw this in Paris and was a little miffed--who wants to spend a short visit to a famous city in a movie theater (seeing an American film! not that I speak French), which is identical to American theaters? Plus, I don't generally take babies to the movies--and that could go really poorly. BUT to be honest, I was interested in seeing it, and Francisco wasn't a willing companion, and the baby did just fine (shhhh--he loves anything on a screen), and it was nice to get off our feet and in out of the cold. And despite being in many ways a composite of cliches (not out of the norm for romantic comedies), this was totally enjoyable. 

Oceans Eight

I saw this on the flight, while wrangling the baby, so let's just say I did not pay the closest of attention. But I totally enjoyed it. Also, I always debate between food and a movie, on the one hand, and sleep on the other, while going to Europe. I wish I were strong enough to choose the latter.

The Quiet Place

Even while baby-wrangling on a flight (this post makes me look like a bad mother), I was completely absorbed in this movie--and scared to death--such that I unthinkingly started elbowing my sleeping (and long-suffering) seatmate, because I was unconsciously reaching out for human connection (or Francisco?). Anyway, he was confused and I was embarrassed.

The Bookshop

Oh my gosh--who knew that a Penelope Fitzgerald novel was being made into a film? The clothes and setting are so much fun, and I definitely enjoyed this and would watch it again. Airplanes really get me caught up on my otherwise almost non-existent movie watching. 

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