Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Good riddance on that last one, as far as I'm concerned, but there were some good parts:

~ I pushed out a beautiful little baby with really comparatively little pain. And he is a really beautiful one who giggles and is ticklish and has tiny little soft grabby hands. And seeing the friendship forming between the two kids is wonderful.

~ Family--I got to live near many of them and spend time with all of them. I got to know my brother's now-wife better and celebrate their wedding. My parents are really incredible people and living above them has been the best. We had lots of local family and some dear friends at the baby's baptism this fall. The kid has adored all this family time.

~ Having friends nearby, better yet friends with children, means not only friends for me, but also for Chester (and what wonderful children my friends have--I'm looking at you, Posy--I think you need a new blog name that isn't "Gypsy"). And having friends far off through the internet and cell towers--I've never spent so much virtual time with Sayers.

~ Our priest. Even though we were just living half a year in PA, the priest welcomed and befriended us. And he has special care and guidance for families living the faith and so his homilies were often just what we needed to hear. The one that has stuck with me since the summer was about superheros and about God being with us in the difficult times rather than snatching us out.

~ Visitors--Lawrence and family and MSI and family visited. And we got to see Diana and her family and her newest, who is just a few weeks older than our baby.

~ Travel. We've been many places as a family, and I got to travel alone and just with Francisco and just with the baby. All the combinations. We got to see some wonderful people along the way. I mean, I wanted to travel more and see more people, but we did alright, considering.

~ Jobs--After trying to get one for six years, I got (offered) two and took one. And, you know, I wrote some stuff and presented some stuff and published one thing and interviewed some people.

And now to do what is most delightful about adulthood--to go to bed before midnight on New Year's Eve. I haven't even had enough energy to have a drink. Maybe next year!

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