Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Weekend

Yesterday was unseasonably warm and beautiful, so after taking the kid for his second covid vaccine (Yay! And he hasn't even had side effects so far!), I took the kids to the park, where we practiced wiffle ball and they played Pooh sticks and enjoyed the playground. Then we got McDonalds as a reward for getting a shot, and then went to Walmart to buy gifts for the kids' teachers--once again, buying gift cards took forever. Note to self: Next time just buy them online. Anyway, the kids of course like looking at toys and when they're not looking, I can sneak a couple of small things in my cart (of course there are also tantrums because they think I'm ignoring their Christmas requests--sigh). 

Today has been quiet and for some reason the boys have been totally happy playing together for most of the day. This is very confusing. Am I no longer needed? (Except for the moment that the kid discovered he was bleeding a lot from his toe after walking around the whole house.) So I watched a show while roasting all of the food in our fridge (and pantry), which is, as Francisco says, my hobby. 

Also, I'm pretty sure that while buying presents for the kids, I've come across as many things for myself as for them (I'm a sucker for gift guides). I keep buying them, figuring that someone will want to give them to me, but Francisco I understand already has his own presents. 


Ilana said...

That is a great picture. The light looks like the most late afternoon, early December light I've ever seen.

hopkins said...

There was a very strict rule in our house -- we were allowed to have Christmas requests, but we were NOT allowed to say right there in the store "I want that!" -- that guaranteed that we would never get it. I honestly don't remember how long it took for me to get the rule, and I am sure there were tantrums while we learned the rule, but I also know by the time my little sister was 3 my brother and I understood the rule well enough to pass it along to her and things were a lot easier for Mom at the Mall. We still have extensive and detailed Christmas wish-lists and it is one of my favorite traditions!

what I really wanted to say was, though, that I went to a Christmas market at St. Rita's this Sunday with the express purpose of buying the last of my Christmas gifts. I bought 3 things for myself. It happens to us all! hahaha.

YAY for vaccine! Yay for roast veg!

Emily Hale said...

How wonderful that St. Rita's has a Christmas market!

That sounds like an amazing rule! The thing is--I'm way easier on them--I don't care if they tell me what they're interested in. I just care that they trust me to buy it for them, even if they don't notice I just put it in my cart!

(The kid has a sense of money now--and the thing was small, only a dollar. So he wanted to buy it for himself. I told him, No buying things for yourself till after Christmas!) Kids! :)