Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On Fashion

In addition to facebook while procrastinating for this paper, I've taken up fashion blogs. I hate fashion. I am in the Oakeshottian camp on this. In his essay, "On Being Conservative," he maintains that all activities require a conservative disposition except fashion--"wanton delight in change for its own sake no matter what it generates." (This essay also has the not-to-be-ignored line: "Heaven is the dream of a changeless no less than perfect world.") Due, however, to my roommates's netflix choice of The Devil Wears Prada and my boredom with other procrastination methods, I was drawn to fashion blogs (such as and But if we take a definition of art like Eric Gill's--"the object of art is the use of skill in the making of good things"--I'm not sure why fashion can't be an art. I'm 90% sure I'll regret that statement later, but for now, I'm open...

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