Friday, May 18, 2007

Bly's so fly

"Women in Crete loved the young men, but when
'The Son of the Deep Waters' dies in the bath,
And they show the rose-colored water, Mary says 'Amen.'"

Robert Bly

This is the end of a poem that I heard Robert Bly read tonight (he has fabulous hair!). This is not, first, an allusion to Christ, but the second layer of allusion to Christ is lovely. The Son of God, or The Son of Deep Waters, dies, surrounded by rose-colored water, which refers to his blood. Mary's role (and this applies to many mothers) is to accept His death. Her "yes," as it was at the annunciation, was an aligning of her own will with God's in a profoundly holy way. Her "yes," continued to his death and resurrection. And this is what is also required of us as His church.

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