Monday, July 16, 2007

Wisky for My Men, Beer for My Horses

Two of my friends are at the wedding-planning stage, so, needless to say, I hear a lot about it just now. Goodness gracious, wedding planning sounds like the most tedious, un-interesting thing to me at the moment. I'm pretty sure I'd want to avoid all of that and have a nice little ceremony on a mountainside if I could find a priest who was up for that (note: is it possible to receive the Eucharist outside?).

One thing I did notice, however, when I was touring the National Cathedral with a friend, was a woman walking herself down the aisle. This violates all of my understandings of community and fatherhood and what it means to be a woman and a person, instead exalting a conception of an unencumbered individual who can enter into a social contract with another unencumbered individual. Distressing!

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