Sunday, January 27, 2008

On Architecture as Social

"Architecture is thus the type and mother of all the arts. Herein is combined, in equal balance and each in its highest degree, both what is useful and what is delightful. Architecture is not merely good building--though good building is absolutely necessary to architecture. Architecture is delightful building. It is building by which the mind of man is delighted.

But architecture, more than any other of the arts of man, is a social art. Even if it were possible for a single man, all by himself, to build a house, or even a garage, it would not be possible to build a house which he alone would see and use unless he were a hermit in a desert. Architecture more than any art depends upon the collaboration of many men working and living together. What many combine to build many must necessarily see and live with."

--Eric Gill, Beauty Looks After Herself

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