Monday, January 14, 2008

On Wood

"It is not your will that the works of your Wisdom lie idle, and hence men entrust their lives to the smallest piece of wood, cross the high seas on a raft and come safe to port. Why, in the beginning even, while the proud giants were perishing, the hope of the world took refuge on a raft and, steered by your hand, preserved the germ of a new generation for ages to come." Wisdom 14:5-6

This passage is rich with allusions/foreshadowings: the ark and the manger--"in the beginning even, while the proud giants were perishing, the hope of the world took refuge on a raft and, steered by your hand, preserved the germ of a new generation for ages to come"; the cross--"men entrust their lives to the smallest piece of wood"; that time when Jesus was asleep with His disciples on a boat in a storm--"the hope of the world took refuge on a raft and, steered by your hand, preserved..."; and oh oh ohhh, let's american-ize this (but only sarcastically) to refer to the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

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