Thursday, May 15, 2008

Perhaps I've Been Unconsciously Won Over by the Environmentalist Movement?

I'm really intrigued about the causes of my new-found crush on green. But alas, these things aren't always clear, and certainly must be given-in to. This installment: green shoes.

If I were rich, I think I would buy up all the green shoes that I could stand and wear a new pair everyday until I ran out (does this scream crazy old woman one day or what?). And I would count all the colors I felt like as green:

Okay, so that color is sort of Kermit-the-frog-ish, but I'm pretty crazy about the strap, which is fairly redemptive.

Who can resist the leather with flower patterns cut out?

Or sequins? If only there were small mirrors sewn in, too.

Once, I was walking down the hall at school in a pair of flip flops, and one of my professors called me out: "Are those the sort of shoes an agrarian would be wearing?" Alas, yet another of my inconsistencies. BUT, fear not, dear reader, I have discovered the ultimate agrarian shoe (or at least the ultimate Walt Whitman shoe [which I hope are two very different things]):

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