Thursday, July 17, 2008

Krakow Quotes

As I feel very bad for neglecting my blog, but have no energy to write anything (don't worry, I'm keeping a "diary." About a thousand people have noticed and been intrigued. There need to be better words for writing than "diary" and "journal." It just sounds all too girly. Not that mine isn't), so I will give you some quotes from the trip. Somehow people on the trip have gotten the impression that I enjoy talking...

RH on the monks who got in trouble for talking at the dinner table. GW: "Yeah, Emily, I don't think that way of life would work for you." AM, a new friend from the trip: "Yeah, I don't think that vows of silence would be helpful for your spirituality."

Priest to me: "Where are you from?" TD: "Be careful what you ask--she can talk." ... Me to priest: "Yeah, I was so happy to get out of the rural area; I sometimes talk a lot." TD: "I feel bad for the cows." And a bit later: TD: "Sorry." Me: "What are you apologizing for?" TD: "You."

"Emily--what a beautiful name! I will have a daughter and name her Emily, and it will be funny." --Kasha

"Those are really nice earrings! Can you wear them to mass?" --David (he'd seen people get in trouble for being immodest...)

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