Wednesday, August 20, 2008


From an article about a woman who survived an abortion attempt:

"The legal limit for abortion in the UK is 24 weeks. The only exceptions to this is where a woman's life is in danger or if there is a real risk that the child, if born, would have a severe physical or mental disability.

In those cases, there is no legal time limit.

Giana, a committed Christian, is opposed to abortion."

No shit! She's opposed to abortion?!

This is amazing really: it is prohibited to kill your child after 24 weeks unless he is disabled. Discrimination, which we abhor at every time and place is permitted in this instance. And not only discrimination of disabled children (who are most in need of our protection):

(from another article and the same news source)

"The number of female foetuses being aborted in India is rising, as ultrasound is increasingly used to predict the sex of babies.

What would you do if your husband's family did not want you to have daughters--and insisted you took steps to make sure it id not happen?"

Let's discriminate against women as well as against the disabled, or at least potentially disabled, children.

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