Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today in discussion section: "Man is a political animal. I mean, sometimes chance interferes--like you can get shipwrecked on an island ... in your infancy." At which point it was sounding less and less feasible, and I wanted to change the subject, so I called on a girl who was raising her hand.

"That's okay," she deferred, "I think I'd rather hear where that was going."

In the vein of class quotes, here are some from Peter Lawler, cleverly collected by one of his students. A sampling of my favorites:

"Use your money for pink Cadillacs, pink flamingos and all sorts of other pink things" (I'm vaguely offended at this; we just got a pink iron that I'm quite excited about.)

"I need to apologize for the coffee stains on your term papers"

"Handling snakes is a gray area, but sacrificing virgins is over the top"

"Sexual orientation is somewhat ingrained, but it can be changed. Examples...prison and Sparta"

"Plato's Republic was a snipe hunt. You wait around in a thicket with a bag and when "justice" comes out, you grab it!"

"Catholic theology says that Heaven is looking at God for eternity and thinking it is good. We can't imagine that because we would get bored and say, 'Hey God let's go to lunch or something'"

"If someone wrote in the back of your yearbook, 'You can be whatever you want to be,' that was really dumb because you can't be a fish. It is just not going to work out for you"

"You just said something profound, but I think accidentally"

"Some of your papers I am handing back have grease on them. Just don't think about it"

"In history when Christians have really big armies, studies show that God lets them win"

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