Thursday, December 25, 2008

On Shopping (-ish)

"I'm really mad at you because you won't post anything on my blog and you manipulate everyone into sledding with you." --Emily to Stearns

"Don't say hate." (distractedly, while reading the ads for sales tomorrow) --Mama Leopard

What Stearns should have posted is the lament of Gypsy, Stearns and I this Christmas season: the closing of the extraordinarily wonderful store, B. Moss. I had my heart set on a B. Moss coat on clearance after Christmas. What sales they had! What does this show about the state of our nation? Our taste in clothing must be entirely out of control for this reasonable, simple, sophisticated style to be out of demand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I wear a B. Moss coat almost daily. This news helps no one.