Thursday, December 11, 2008

What Makes Man Different from Animals.8

"[Man's] creation, in practice, of an objective world, his working upon inorganic nature, is the proof that man is a conscious species-being, that is a being which is related to the species as its own essence or to itself as a species-being. To be sure, animals also produce. They build themselves nests, dwelling places, as the bees, beavers, ants, etc. do. But the animal produces directly what it needs for itself or its young. It produces one-sidedly, while man produces universally. It produces under the domination of direct physical need while man produces even when he is free from physical need and produces truly, indeed, only in freedom from such need. The animal produces only itself, while man reproduces the whole of nature. The animal's product is directly part of its physical body, while man steps out freely to confront his product. The animal builds only according to the standard and the need of the species to which it belongs, while man knows how to produce according to the standard of every species and always knows how to apply the intrinsic standard to the object. Man, therefore, creates according to the laws of beauty."

Marx, "Alienated Labor"


Anonymous said...

I wish I always knew how to apply the intrinsic standard to the object. It would make dating a whole lot easier.

Emily Hale said...

Haha--that's totally a conference paper: Karl Marx on Dating.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but dating is only necessary for the bourgeois while the mode of production is primarily capitalist. The forward-thinking should pursue relationships in a communist manner.

Emily Hale said...

Ah! That's true! Thankfully, capitalism is still the mode of production, at least for a bit longer...