Sunday, February 1, 2009

Serendipity and the Internet

three animals of man--This is just crying out for a feminist (the bad kind) answer. So I will just have to separate from my normal, man-loving self and give one: Men are certainly a combination of animals. First, men are certainly peacocks--they love showing off their (admittedly very lovely) feathers. Second, men are puppies who delight in being petted and shown affection. Third, men are probably lions or bucks or tarantulas or something like that--they want to be the main man and win, in whatever particular form that desire to win takes (I say this with the full realization that I, too, am very competitive, at least in some things).

are lipstick stains on a cigarette sexy?--Alas, one would think so, but Sayers in Busman's Honeymoon notes with approval that Harriet Vane is too sensible to leave them on her cigarettes. On the other hand, they are a distinctively feminine part of smoking. And so I'm torn.

coffee cup
--This is largely a matter of personal preference: some odd people like very small cups for their coffee, while others like large ones (I prefer my large clear glass mug).

how much leoperds is there in the
--About half a dozen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the?