Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monsignor Sokolowski Quotes

From my notes on Aristotle's Ethics (because Sokolowski is such a charming man--he is very tall and big boned and speaks with a kindly smirk, calmly and slowly; he is full of charmingly deprecating and corny remarks that you just don't quite expect):

"If a person is flitting about all the time, you don't think they're a very substantial person."

"He doesn't want to get choppers." (referring to false teeth)

"What we're doing here...[interrupting himself] We have the luxury of being philosophers--we aren't doing anything."

"Something we could call puritanism or depression: this agent has less delight in bodily pleasures than one should have."

"You know, Cyclone--clone of a guy named, 'Cy.'"

"They don't have little angel families; they just get created in their rank and file."

On the problem of televised masses: "These are problems; it is better than having Mongols outside, ready to slaughter us."

"Nietzsche is pietzsche."

On Kant: "That's just part of the sloppy writing here. But it is what it is."

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