Monday, March 16, 2009

To Warren (Who Said My Blog Was Boring and That I Need to Write about People More)

Not too long ago, I was with Percy (possibly Sunday brunch or IHOP, it's unclear). He told me that only the day before he'd discovered his first white hair.

Now I have always wanted white hair. In fact, if my hair doesn't turn white by the time I'm 35 or so (which isn't likely since I guess hair comes from the mother's side [??] and my mother is only just now getting gray hairs and she's 50, and my grandmother is graying at the level my father is, so about a generation behind), I imagine I'll dye it. I always loved Miss Lavender in Anne of Green Gables. Her hair turned prematurely white and she was beautiful. In order to have white hair properly, I think one must wear a lot of bright colors, a lot of green and purple and pink, possibly all together, if no one stops you.

However, I am not actually, at this moment, ready for white hair.

Anyway, the next day after I spoke with Percy, I was in the parking lot of the Goodwill (after finding a fabulous madras tie that I couldn't buy because I don't know anyone who would wear it). All of a sudden, I glanced in the rear view mirror, the sun caught my hair (it was setting--the sun, not my hair)--I saw grey. I had to pull over immediately in order to start rooting through my hair. I rooted and saw about a clump of white hair.

This blog post will be continued later in order to keep my readers happy. Because my readers are mostly not happy these days and grumble, and I, evidently, respond to such grumbles.

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