Thursday, April 30, 2009


A) I have no idea how women have four children. None at all.

B) When I was babysitting four children tonight, I lost one. I was nearly in tears. So he's a tired three year old--I put him in bed and threatened that I would tell his parents if he got out. Then I went to read to the five year old. When I came back to check on him 10 minutes later, he was gone. So I searched the house--every corner--twice (even the basement, even the area where the water heater is). And even looked around a little outside. Then I called the mother (at this point I was starting to lose my cool), who calmly informed me that he tends to fall asleep in strange places. Sure enough, I found him behind a pile of laundry, under a chair in his parent's room. (Remember in all of this that I'm bad at finding things--I was always the last child to find the Easter basket on Easter morning--all of my younger siblings had always already found theirs.)

She asked me to come back next week, and I agreed, since I hadn't actually lost her child.

1 comment:

diana said...

I can just see you! especially the part where you threaten to tell the mother.