Sunday, April 5, 2009

On Boys' Nights

Me: I'd love to go out with y'all [Warren and Percy] (although only if you really don't mind me slipping in on guy time). I don't know that I'd drink, but I would smoke a lot...

Percy: No, you being there will make it better. C. S. Lewis talks about how when a circle of friends gets bigger, each person experiences more of each other than they would have without the new addition...because the new person brings out new things in the others, and there is more to delight in. Not that you are a new addition, but the thought is pertinent regardless.

Of course, this does not apply to poker night.

Goodness gracious: Poker night. This is something that I love to fuss about, and I don't think that I've fussed about it on this blog. Warren makes it clear that when he holds poker nights, that no women are welcome. I do not, of course approve. The last poker night (well, presumably the last, I don't know when they happen, or I would clearly crash them), several of the poker players were at Little Gidding immediately before hand. I convinced them to take me with them, so I could see how Warren reacted.

Now Warren is a strong man. And now a Second Lieutenant (thank goodness for spellcheck). But he is so kind and caring, with such an endearing smile, that I have never for one minute been afraid of him at all. Until that moment--I waltzed in, fluffing my hair and announced that I was there to join them for poker and bourbon. Warren looked as if he were going do something dreadful. I can't even imagine what he would've done, actually. Anyway, of course, afraid for my life, I told him that I was teasing (I was). Immediately, he turned back to his same old self; he began smiling me, gave me a hug, and sent me on my way.

1 comment:

Warren said...

I had a great time with you on Friday. I can hardly imagine a night of drinking and smoking that would not be improved by your presence.

Poker night is the only exception that comes to mind. You see, it is traditional for the men to gather and smoke and drink and gamble without the womenfolk. As a good conservative, I am sure that somehwere deep inside yourself, you agree.

Thanks, by the way, for all your kind words!