Sunday, July 5, 2009

Marriage and Travel

I arrived home at 5 a.m. last night after driving home from Boston following Myrrh and Warren's wedding (may they see their children to the third and fourth generation!). I am very proud of myself--even in my old age, I didn't even get tired (although I was shaking), and I cut a half an hour off of the google maps projected time even with a 20 minute gas stop at 2 a.m. in New Jersey (the lines were so long since they have to pump it for you) and a 20 minute stop of me driving around some small town in Delaware at 3 a.m. looking for an ATM so I could get cash to pay the next several tolls.

There were too many goodbyes and changes for me yesterday: Percy's off to Phoenix, Elizabeth Bennett's off to Maine, and Myrrh is lamentably leaving Little Gidding to be the perfect and very happy Mrs. Second Lieutenant Warren. I'm looking forward to heaven, where people won't be leaving.

The wedding definitely had a hint of a Jane Austen wedding to it, especially as everyone walked together in the plentiful sunshine, following the bagpiper and the children carrying flowers sunny day from the church to the old New England town hall for the reception. At the rehearsal dinner, the singing chef sang a patriotic medley. When Warren stood at attention during the Marine anthem, I was definitely crying.


Margaret E. Perry said...
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Margaret E. Perry said...

sounds lovely. did you see fireworks on your ride home?

Percy said...

Glad you made it home safe. I'm staying in Dallas today, heading for Phoenix tomorrow. !!