Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear Reader,

I am Wystan's guest for a wedding in NJ next weekend, which has an interesting schedule: The wedding is at 10:30; there is a lunch buffet following; cocktail and a dinner reception start at 5:30.

So, in effect, this is both a morning and an evening wedding.

What to wear?

A friend of his writes, "
Your question is a great one (I kind of feel like a dear abbey in a magazine...very cool). ... The same outfit should be fine, as long as the day outfit is formal. It would also not be inappropriate to wear two different outfits if this is her desire."

Which doesn't come down too strongly on one side or the other.

Do vote: one dress or two?




Emily Hale said...

Actually necessary additional information: if I wear two, one will be green. If I only wear one, there will be no green dress.

#1tomatolover said...
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#1tomatolover said...
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E. Walker said...

I would wear one...mostly because changing is difficult.

Margaret E. Perry said...

I would wear one...but i'm lazy.

Diana said...

wearing two sounds three times as much fun as wearing one. but if you're the only person that changes, that's awkward. I vote two, unless you know someone else going that is for sure wearing one.

Frankincense said...

I say two. Changing is fun. If you show up in a new dress and nobody else has changed, just pretend you ripped the old one.