Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Locke Seminar

In a discussion about how much work Locke's appeal to God does:

"He [Locke] doesn't mention Jesus in this reading."

"But you have to remember, the Church of England offers less focus on Jesus, Mary, and the saints than Catholicism."


Me: "How gross is it that he [Locke] ate an acorn?"
A student: "It isn't gross. Haven't you ever had acorn pancakes? The Indians made acorn pancakes."

Me: "Are you serious?" (skeptically)
The student: "Are you from Jersey?" (not believing that someone from a regular state would be this dense)

References to acorns punctuated the rest of our discussion. And then, after me not knowing about the process of freezing disrupting walls made out of rocks,

Another student: "Where are you from?"



Wystan said...

Re: Locke and Jesus, I assume you directed them to the relevant sections of the First Treatise and the Reasonableness.

Wystan said...

And, goodness, everyone knows Locke was not Anglican.