Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Emily

Wystan's new place:

*A pool! (where I can lay out and do my work simultaneously!)
*cookies in the building next to the pool (which is also a gym); I assume they've baked those cookies for me, and no one has told me otherwise yet.
*a balcony! Oh yes, a balcony is everything I'd imagined.
*paths and walkways and a lake bordering the complex (this is after North Carolina, which has no such things)

This is a serious improvement.

Update: AND tennis courts, a book sale (okay, at the library in the nearby town--where I found Chesterton's biography of Aquinas for $2), a church only a half a mile away, and an apartment complex pool party (complete with cotton candy and pizzaratis, which are like little pizzas).

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