Thursday, August 26, 2010

Food Blogging

Tonight I had Salinger, my friend who lives and teaches in Kuwait, over for dinner. I made lemon risotto and a salad (and brownies for dessert, which I accidentally didn't bake all the way through, although Wystan and Salinger didn't complain). I've been increasingly addicted to lemon--stick a real lemon in basically anything and I like it more (especially lemon ice cream!). Last time that I made the lemon risotto, however, I just threw everything in it--things like mushrooms and peppers. They didn't really go too well (this is always my shortcoming--I always want to invite more people along for the ride). This time, over Wystan's hesitation, I tried adding sausage to the lemon risotto (I did my homework and googled it to make sure other people had had this same idea). Sausage and lemon aren't really an expected combination, as far as I know. But I really liked it (risotto by itself seems just too little to have for dinner).

Also: I must say, making dinner with a dishwasher is infinitely better than back at the May of Teck Club...

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