Here are some of the search words that have landed unexpecting internet surfers recently on Three White Leopards:
remembrance for leopards--I think that this query is something like, "Do all dogs go to heaven?" I would say that there have to be animals in heaven--the lion lays down with the lamb, right? (Or is it lies down with the lamb??) I'm not sure, however, who would have a strong attachment to a leopard. Unless it was Baby.

emily hale candy--I don't think it's been made yet, but I'm sure it's possible. Goodness gracious, they make lighthouse gummy bears. And candy legos. And Winnie the Pooh lollipops. Obviously Emily Hale candy is next.
there's always a possibility--This sounds like an all-occasion cliche to make you feel better, one that is in the category of "This too shall pass" or "All shall be well." Or maybe Shirley Temple should start singing, "There's always a possibility..." (I know, I know--too many syllables...)
single poem of leopards--It sounds like there is a national poem of leopards and this person is curious about what it is. However, if this person is looking for a poem about leopards, I would give them Ogden Nash's "The Panther," which isn't really about leopards, but, as Nash tells us, "The panther is like a leopard":
The panther is like a leopard,
Except it hasn't been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch,
Prepare to say Ouch.
Better yet, if called by a panther,
Don't anther.
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