Monday, November 22, 2010

Serendipity and the Internet

art nouveau girl--I don't know any, but I wish I were one; then I could be on the side of a bottle of absinthe.

fat leopard stuffed animal
--See left. (Buy it at amazon.)

small rat game--It is unclear to me whether this request is for a miniature-sized rat game or a rat game for little rats (maybe baby rats or dwarf rats).

who got a stat crux dum volvitur orbis necklace--No one! However, if I were to make one, it would be a little cross hanging in the middle of a translucent little globe stand.

baby white leopards--We've got one! But stay tuned! We're expecting a couple more in the upcoming months!

smallest information about white leopards--They are actually called snow leopards.

slovak polkas--Only the best kind ever! And this is how you should probably dress while you're dancing Slovak polkas.

(picture, picture, picture)


hopkins said...

these are my favorite of your posts! The snow leopard one really made me laugh! :)

Percy said...

You are hilarious.