[To Scofield Thayer, 30 June 1918]
"Of course your superior officer is a Lady. They always are. Be PATIENT, I say PATIENT. Be Sly, INSIDIOUS, even UNSCRUPULOUS, Suffering Many Things, Slow to WRATH, concealing the Paw of the Lion, the Fang of the Serpent, the Tail of the Scorpion, beneath the Pelt of the ASS. Under the cloak of imbecility dart forth your scorn and pour the vials of contumely upon the fair flat face of the people. Be Proud, but Genial, Affable, but Inflexible; be to the inhabitants of Greenwich Village a Flail, and to the Intellect of Indianapolis a Scourge. I WILL REPAY, saith the LORD.
I speak from experience, as asst. (I say ASSt.) Editor of the Egoist, which I will send you, numero specimene, if you do not know it. I am the only male, and three (3) women, incumbents, incunabula, incubae."
Sigh. My dear Mr. Eliot, my patience is really wearing thin! You may be moved from being my favorite. writer. ever. if you don't watch out!
P.S. It seems as if TSE were a precursor to our dear PAL's idiosyncratic method of capitalization.
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