Thursday, March 24, 2011

His Girl Friday

In which Walter Burns (Cary Grant) convinces Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell) to ditch her fiance and un-divorce him and the newspaper business.

There's loads of passionate, fast-talking, witty banter in this film (although the film is better when it sticks to witty banter between Walter and Hildy than when Cary Grant alone engages in physical comedy--he just doesn't quite pull it off):

"Hildy: I suppose I proposed to you?
Walter: Well, you practically did, making goo-goo eyes at me for two years until I broke down.
[impersonates Hildy, flutters his eyelashes]
'Oh, Walter.' And I still claim I was tight the night I proposed to you. If you had been a gentleman, you would have forgotten all about it. But not you!"


"Walter: Look, Hildy, I only acted like any husband that didn't want to see his home broken up.
Hildy: What home?
Walter: 'What home?' Don't you remember the home I promised you?"

It's apparent from Walter and Hildy's lunch with her fiance that, although she claims to want to settle down with a nice man and have a family, she isn't quite cut out for it: both she and Walter order coffee with whiskey and light their cigarettes at the same time. Her fiance, on the other hand, orders a water. Walter knows her well and is quite confident in his ability to talk her into coming back to him and the paper. And he does.

(picture) (quotes from imdb)


Margaret E. Perry said...

AH! one of the greatest!

Diana said...
