After the University of Chicago, I headed over to Oak Park, where I did not see Hemingway's birthplace, and where I missed Frank Lloyd Wright once again (the last tour of his house left 25 minutes before I arrived). Sigh. But the neighborhood was lovely, and there were lots of houses that Frank Lloyd Wright designed, so I wandered around the neighborhood and took pictures. And since, as you, my dear reader, know, taking pictures of architecture is one of my favorite things, I was happy. I like Frank Lloyd Wright; I like this Prairie style of architecture; I like all of the squares in the windows. (Also, you will note from these pictures that I've embraced Elizabeth Bishop's painting technique of delighting in the obstructions.)
In the evening, I returned to the city for sushi with a professor friend. I can't tell you how many of my female friends, in the absence of their husbands, beg for us to eat sushi. I am always happy to oblige. Plus! I always have trouble with the chopsticks--I can usually manage to pick up a piece of sushi, but I can't manage much else. However, my friend spent a year in Japan in school and told me that the actual proper way to eat sushi is with your fingers! This makes me happy! I mean, I'm all for customs and manners, but honestly, silverware is one I've never quite figured out--you just have to wash it later (and we do not have a dishwasher). I advocate returning to a more finger-based form of eating.
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