Sunday, June 19, 2011


"I am a hoarder of two things: documents and trusted friends. The former outweigh the latter in quantity but the latter outdo the former in quality.

Details fascinate me. I love to pile up details. They create an atmosphere. Names, too, have a magic, be they never so humble. Most of the names in this, the following account of the first thirty-nine years of my life, are unknown to the public. For that very reason they are all the more precious to me."

--Muriel Spark, from the very beginning of Curriculum Vitae

Also, my goal for one year from now: to be at a church that does not sing this hymn. Two years in a row is just too much.


1 comment:

Margaret E. Perry said...

isn't it fascinating how spare her books are, and yet how she loves these sort of details. we must talk about this when you finish CV.

also, hilarious about the hymn