Monday, August 8, 2011

On Coffee Shops

"Is the New York Times still liberal? ... Is all's you do work? Is that a good thing? You're young. I'm bored and looking for someone to talk to. Would that distract you?"

--approximate conversation of a gentleman in Starbucks, while pulling out a nearby chair

"Are you the girl in those pictures? You look like the girl in some of those pictures." --a random man, dressed in all black, looking like a priest sans collar, pointing to photographs displayed in the coffee shop
When I nod no, he turned to the owner of the coffee shop, "Was that a weird thing to say? I don't want to insult people."

My dissertation has forced me to spend loads of time in coffee shops. I hate coffee shops that are just one big open room; I like coffee shops that are divided up into various rooms. Northside social is the best example of the latter--that place goes on forever. The Starbucks in Williamsport is a good example of the former. The big, open room just makes me feel like I'm sitting in a glass house--no privacy at all. Everyone in the room can see everyone else.

Also: I've spent lots of time perfecting both my "Don't you dare come over and talk to me" and "Sure, distract me; I'm bored" looks.

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

Hah! I can't believe those men! How inconvenient!