Monday, September 19, 2011

Pennsylvania Politics

Pennsylvania is considering changes to its way of collecting its electoral vote. This would move the state closer (although not all the way) to reflecting the individual votes of its citizens, rather than the state as a whole (which opponents of the electoral college should like). It seems to me, though, that proponents of federalism and supporters of state government (aren't Tea Partiers into this?) should seek to keep Pennsylvania's vote together. Pennsylvania's Senate Majority leader, who is pushing for this changed allocation of electoral votes, said:

“The goal is to have the votes in the Electoral College more closely reflect the popular vote ... This is one way to do that.”

I'm not sure that this is a clever goal to have--it's one that will certainly result in reduced relevance of the state.

I'm also wary about making any institutional changes just for the sake of the short term.


Concerned Former Pennsylvanian said...

What sort of changes? Having college votes for individual districts?

Emily Hale said...

If it passes the changes, Pennsylvania would join a couple of states (I think it's Maine and Nebraska) in awarding electoral votes by Congressional district.

Emily Hale said...

P.S. I like that you identify as a former Pennsylvanian :)

Concerned Former Pennsylvanian said...

The flag of Virtue, Liberty, and Independence flies proudly in Texas though!

Emily Hale said...

Don't get me started on Texas!