Sunday, October 2, 2011

Snippets from emails from Mama Leopard:

"So I am famous but nobody knows it." (She then proceeded to tell about being interviewed for an article in the city newspaper.)

"The news in Cogan Station today is that Daddy finally shot the pet-ish sort of chicken out back. And has skinned and plucked it and cut it up and put it in the pot. Later we will parboil and slowly grill it. And HE will eat it. I am still nauseous at the thought of it--such a pretty black thing with a bright red comb." (The first sentence of that email is just about the best thing I've ever read.)

"Girls, can't you see #1tomatolover as a model in China? I know he has been practicing the moves and the look. Check it out, #1tomatolover." (I am not exactly sure what this email is about.)

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