Manayunk is a neighborhood just across the river from me and on the outskirts of Philadelphia proper (not the "Ovarian Cancer - Be Vigilant!" sign above).
The website claims that "Strolling the street is like being whisked away to a European city." I don't know: It doesn't remind me of Europe; it reminds me of Pennsylvania, but of the best version of Pennsylvania. Something like a poor man's Georgetown, but with loads more character and grit.
There's even a toe path beside the canal and the railroad.
And, as is typical of Philadelphia, it's just loaded with outdoor artwork, tucked away (the painting above is hidden behind a walkway), waiting to be discovered.
It has, though, it's fair share of older women with expensive hair styles and expensive clothes.
But it's also more crunchy and hipster than DC or Alexandria.
I'm super curious about how you pronounce "Manayunk." I'm also super curious to try out some of these restaurants. I'm pretty sure I'll have to go for lunch, though, so that I can see the neighborhood, because it's so interesting looking.
I was quite certain it was pronounced "man-e-unk" until you posted the question, and now I'm not so certain.
From an email from Mama Leopard (who may be this blog's most frequent commenter without actually posting any comments...): "Oh Darling Emily...
It's a TOW path, not a toe path. which at first I thought might be a narrow stretch on which one tiptoes..."
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