Friday, February 10, 2012

My Blouse

Guys! Remember this post about this picture??:

Well! I found this shirt! (Okay, so not exactly--it has a high neck and it's pink and the polka-dots are small and white and of varying sizes and there's a ruffle-ish thing, but more or less this shirt!)

I'm super excited and fully intend to just re-wear the shirt over and over to class everyday and mix up the pencil skirts that I wear on the bottom...And I'll probably make my students call me Jeanne Crain.

Plus, it's shear, so I'll just wear it year round.

Update to this post: I wore this shirt to get my oil changed, and the otherwise chatty, nice mechanics tried to rip me off. I mean massively. They were talking about flushing fluids that never need to be flushed, like the breaks and the power steering. I blame it entirely on this shirt, in which I probably look especially feminine and maybe even rich. Next time I go see a mechanic, I'll be wearing all black and getting tattoos.

But really, then I took my car to my real mechanic, whom I trust. Only about half of the work that those first two guys fear-mongered needs to be done, but even still, it isn't cheap. The truth is, my real mechanic is super cute. I guess he sort of has the attractiveness of Elvis (who is the first man I ever fell for--I fell for him sitting there in my grandparent's kitchen watching all the Elvis movies on Sunday afternoons on their little tv). He's like a tan, partially Egyptian Elvis (I work with his uncle, so I happen to know his ethnicity). And he has these eyes. Okay, so I could go on, but I'll leave it there for the moment. All to say, if I have to pay a lot of money for something, I'd rather pay it to him.


hopkins said...

i love you so much

Sylvia said...

Was it Jiffy Lube? Because they always do that--it's their company policy to try to rip people off, especially well-dressed ladies. :)

Frankincense said...

Partial Egyptians are the best. You should go for it.

Emily Hale said...

Nope. It was a Goodyear tire. There was a coupon, so it was cheap. I read the online reviews of the Jiffy Lube in my area and it referred to them stealing things out of people's glove compartments, so I thought I'd pass on the Jiffy Lube this time.