Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fairmount, Philadelphia

Abandoned houses always look very eerie to me. They always make me think of that saying, "The eyes are the windows to the soul."

Daffodils in front of Eastern State Penitentiary.

Another beer to remember: a Belgian-style white ale called, "Walt Wit," after the poet. There are so many things that I like about this: a) I drank it at the first grilling of the year at Sayers and Mr. Sayers' place on St. Patrick's day; b) It is named after and proudly displays the picture of a poet! Granted, this poet is not my favorite, but he is super interesting, and it's a great picture; c) I love wheat beers, including white beers (I guess this name is a pun, from witbier); d) It's made by the Philadelphia Brewing Company! Drink local!

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