Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Random Assortment

(picture from the Grove)

~ Why I love St. Louis: "Church members share favorite recipes in new cookbook."

~Rent some art!

~ I love stuffed cabbage (known in the Leopard family tradition as "Pigeons")--I clearly need to learn French so I can make this (via Rod Dreher).

~ A "good pro-choice liberal" journalist with a disability offers another perspective on "assisted death" legislation, arguing that coercion can occur in invisible ways:
To be sure, there are noble intentions behind the “assisted death” proposals, but I can’t help wondering why we’re in such a hurry to ensure the right to die before we’ve done all we can to ensure that those of us with severe, untreatable, life-threatening conditions are given the same open-hearted welcome, the same open-minded respect and the same open-ended opportunities due everyone else.
~ On being simultaneously pro-life and on the left:
Abortion is one of those rare political issues on which left and right seem to have swapped ideologies: right-wingers talk of equality, human rights and “defending the innocent”, while left-wingers fetishise “choice”, selfishness and unbridled individualism.

~ Clusterfrack. These people are not going to act ethically on their own!

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