Tuesday, November 27, 2012

City Museum

The City Museum is a place that defies description. For those of you from Williamsport, it's like a Children's Discovery Workshop for all ages. Although especially for children--I didn't fit in all the crawlspaces there were to explore. There are slides and strange and wonderful tunnels to crawl around in. The place is aesthetically fascinating.

(A shoelace loom.)

(I love this doorknob!)

Some people say that in no sense is it a museum, but it actually is on the third floor: there's a museum of architectural decoration that is just wonderful. It focuses on decoration from the midwest and saves and gathers remnants from destroyed buildings (there are a couple of bitter references to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which led to some lovely courthouses being torn down). (Above and below is Louis Sullivan's work, which I especially love.)

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