Friday, November 16, 2012

Laumeier Sculpture Park

The Laumeier Sculpture Park is fabulous. It's nature walk through the fall leaves meets modern art. It's an adventure--you never know what you're going to come across when you turn the next corner. I had the feeling the whole time that I was on a scavenger hunt. (Possibly that was related to the fact that, when I arrived, the girl in the museum shop told me that the park closes at sunset, which was only an hour away, and that if I hadn't left by then, the park rangers would shut the gate and my car would be stuck. So the goal was to see as much as possible in an hour and not get locked in.)

Some sculptures explore the relationship between art and nature.

There was a whole series that I didn't care for that dealt with dogs: I think the point of one of that series was that dogs don't distinguish between trailer parks and fine estates. Another in the dog series was simply a closed-off pile of compost that dogs could enjoy smelling (I think to critique people for using dogs to sniff for bombs, asserting that dogs should just be able to smell things for the sake of it). Another was a little spot where dogs could sit and listen to a doggy symphony. I don't get it.

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