Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Random Assortment

~ These women sound just like the sort of cranky entertainers that I take after:

The Deans freely admit that they’re bossy. They worry that the next generation wants to entertain but has no idea how. “Yearning for cocktails, dressing up like ‘Mad Men’ characters, yet missing the road map,” says Pollak. 
If there is one thing that has the Deans shaking their heads, it’s people who won’t commit until the last minute. “It’s a two-way street: I can’t make something nice for you unless you tell me you’re coming,” Pollak says. “People who think nothing of canceling at the last minute or not showing up at all? That person is permanently off the list.”
Oh my goodness--I couldn't agree more. Facebook and text messaging and evites mean that people think that formal invitations to dinner or brunch are the sorts of things that they can respond to at the last minute.

~ Guys! I made biscuits and sausage gravy and, for only the second time in my history of making biscuits, they rose! I've made biscuits a dozen times and they never rise. This was the magical recipe I used (and will always use in the future). (They are called "Big Daddy Biscuits" and the description promises the biggest biscuits in the history of the world. It's true--they're like small towers.)

~ Oh my goodness--I love Nick Offerman every bit as much as I love Ron Swanson. In this piece, he recommends both Wendell Berry and Tom Waits. The man has fine taste. (via Hopkins)

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