Sunday, August 4, 2013


I am nameless. Or perhaps I'm over-named.

Either way, it's a little confusing. I'm intending to change my last name to Francisco's (very reluctantly), but for the time being, I haven't. I keep pushing it back--it makes no sense to change my driver's license until I move back to Pennsylvania in a couple of weeks. Then I booked a flight in my maiden name. Not sure if it's going to be a problem if my ticket is in one name and my driver's license is in another (I mean, I imagine it would).

Anyway, socially I already use Francisco's last name. I also use it in class. But professionally, I sometimes slip back into my maiden name.

It's so strange--it's not me that comes up in the google results when you search for my first name and Francisco's last. (Unlike my maiden name, of which I was pretty much the only one alive.)

When I introduce myself to someone new, I take a long pause and have to think about it. And then, if they would have heard of me under a different name, they can't quite put it together. I suppose this new name business is a boon for scraping away the internet record that exists of me thus far, which I don't always want to advertise to potential employers.


Miss Self-Important said...

I also put off changing my name. I like being the only one of me alive in the history of the world, plus my surname ends with me, since my father was the only male in his family and I have no brothers. So it's like I'm doing a service to History by procrastinating.

This is what I tell my husband when he asks when I'm going to get around to it.

Sonetka said...

It took me a while as well -- there were several things to change (passport, social security etc) and it always seemed like there was something else I could be doing instead. I figure it's sort of like molting; less painful when it's a gradual process. Though name uniqueness didn't really enter into it since I went from being Only Firstname Maidenname on the net to Only Firstname Marriedname on the net -- the result being that I'm very careful about using my real name at all, since anyone who googles me will find EVERYTHING.

(I've been married for eleven years now and recently had the vaguely creepy experience of receiving forwarded mail addressed to Firstname Maidenname and thinking "Who's that? OH!")