Friday, September 13, 2013

Quote, Etc.

Francisco via gchat: "Hmm, oven or something just made a loud bang"

Francisco (when I didn't respond) via voice (incredulously): "The eggplant just exploded!"

Turns out there's a reason that Mama Leopard told me to poke everything with a fork a bunch of times (I'd forgotten).

It still made some darn good Romanian Eggplant Dip.


one eggplant, roasted (350/1 hour, give or take) and mashed
one onion, chopped
one egg
some garlic and salt and pepper

Combine. Eat on bread.


Diana said...

This sounds delicious! If only I could pin it... :)

Emily Hale said...

So good! We added chopped red and yellow and orange peppers, too, at the last minute. Not much to look at, though, otherwise, I would post a picture:)