Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The good news is: I'm growing my own sprouts. I have a great sense of accomplishment and we had them for dinner on top of hamburgers.

The bad news is: one of the many institutions that I've taught at over the past five years does not keep chalk in their classrooms. Chalk is purchased by the departments and given to the faculty to carry with them to class. I spoke with teaching support services today and she suggested that a) I carry some chalk in a sandwich container so that it doesn't break or b) hide a piece in the classroom so that I can come back to it each day I teach. I can't really fathom a worse system, except maybe a system where the faculty made their own chalk from scratch each day. This makes me so angry I want to roar. I hate poorly managed things. I want to be in charge and fix them.

(P.S. The same is true of the white board markers--I carry one of them with me. I just think carrying chalk with me is a step too far.)

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