Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Random Assortment

~ A very cool rediscovered old church ceiling.

~ I've been waiting for this Chagall mosaic to get moved to the sculpture garden in DC.

~ So glad Francisco and my days of sync-watching tv are over (stream-cheating is totally a thing).

~ TSE's Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock turned into a comic book? Yes please!

~ PAL on gender roles and social construction:
One piece of evidence in favor of the theory that gender roles are socially constructed is that women, as they ascend to economic and relational dominance, become more confidently aggressive. One piece of evidence against that theory, of course, is that men, when they come to be ruled by women, don’t take on the “gender roles” traditionally assigned to women: Being the “domestic goddesses” who run the home and take most of the responsibility for nurturing children. That means, of course, that our country is plagued by numerous “caregiving” issues that really can’t be resolved by government policies. It’s not so easy, after all, for most single moms to do it all. 

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