Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Louis C.K. and Pascal


I showed this clip to my classes today, in which we were discussing Pascal. I think this is an incredibly Pascalian diagnosis of the human condition--the recognition that there's a part of you that is forever empty, that you're being human when you're alone with yourself, that if you incessantly divert yourself (including through technology) you're never totally sad, nor totally happy.


hopkins said...

LOVE tying this to Pascal. I loved this clip, but it sort of infuriated me that the response (among friends) was all about "not using your phone" and not the larger metaphysical point.

Emily Hale said...

Yeah--I was thinking that diversion is for me not my phone (which isn't smart), but probably gchatting with/talking to Franciso. Or reading blogs. Or looking at fb.