Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cape May

These pictures are of Cape May, but we actually stayed a couple miles away this year in a tiny town nearby, which was--if it is possible--even more charming than Cape May.

The town we stayed in was very residential, with a general store (with a great restaurant), a town green, and a ton of little churches in the center.

One day we walked by the green to find a community soccer game going on. Tons of people, of all ages and levels of ability, were on the field. Everyone on the sideline was cheering them on. A man rode up with a younger boy on a bicycle built for two. A baby played in a playpen on the side.

The day we were leaving was the day of the town bazaar. It was, I think, the beginning of the high beach season, and everyone was greeting each other for what seemed to be the first time that summer. Everyone was enthusiastic and the relationships seemed to be old ones.

We were thrilled to buy the books and flea market stuff for sale (people in this town read and then sell Nozick, for instance). And the community spirit! This was really the Tocquevillian vacation spot.

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