Saturday, April 13, 2024

Day Trip for Me

Francisco could tell I needed some time alone, so he encouraged me to head out of town for the day myself on Thursday. He took the boys to the park, and they ate fish and chips. 

I headed to a couple of exhibits, read a book I was interested in in a rare book archive, sat in a park and read some Graham Greene, worked a bit in a coffee shop, listened to my audiobook as I walked all around town, and went to a play. It was a long and delightful day. Okay--I'm burying the lede--I planned the whole day around a Dorothy Sayers play!

The weather was gorgeous spring weather (am I British now always talking about the weather?). 

The exhibit on Blake was great. Above: An illustration of Dante. 

He did a book about America! And on on Europe and revolution. I need to read more Blake. 

He did a book influenced by Wollstonecraft. Must read it!

Illustration for Job. 

I walked 5 miles, just going to and fro. 

This exhibit, above, was nothing to write home about. There was Wilkie Collins' writing table. 

I read an interesting book about being a foundling by a foundling. 

A nouveau shop window. 

I went to a Dorothy Sayers play! It was amateur actors and there were a few forgotten lines, but the play was great fun, and so was the audience!

I sat on Jesus Green in the late afternoon and it was just lovely. 

And arrived home in the wee hours of the morning. 

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