Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Week

After we voted, Q suggested that he give an exit poll to the other people leaving the voting. I thought this was really funny and shared it with my colleague who teaches polling. Her students are exit polling today and she invited Q to come and talk to them. Blaze (6) overheard me telling this to Q and said, "Ohhhh! I like exit polls!" "What," I asked him, "is an exit poll?" He answered, "A pole you slide down to exit!" Oh my gosh he kills me. 

This morning on the way to school, Blaze mentioned that "that tree is shaved" (pruned or trimmed?). 

And when I told him that he's really good at reading and when he wants to know what words say, he should try reading them before asking us. He replied, "The point is: I can read, but I don't like to read." This kid. 

Last night I played tennis--I was the youngest so I was assigned to be teammates with the oldest--I assume she is in her 80s so she doesn't run. That meant that I was responsible for the whole back court and for all balls that she couldn't hit with one step, whether on her left or her right. So I ran and ran. The achievement of the evening--two *one-handed* backhands! Also, we lost the first set and won the second (only by one because we were all tired and agreed to that arrangement). I walked home in the drizzle. 


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